Sunday, October 8, 2006

Doh, yes, of course you can buy them assembled!

Sorry for being so dense. I have spent so much time reading around at the FM Tuner Info Site I really thought most people with these tuners would be hobbyists like me, with too many parts and solder lying around, but I realised that many of the people who enjoy listening to the sexiest tuners in the world (Tandbergs of course!) may not be the solder monkey that I am. So, yes, you can buy the fully assembled boards. I will still need the original for the de-emphasis switch, but all the other parts are orderable. So, if you want to upgrade your tuner outputs but are afraid of doing anything more complicated than removing some panel screws and pulling an IC out of it's socket, no problem.

Prices still to be determined, but not cheap, the Cardas jacks are $10 a piece, plus the board, plus the connectors, and of course labor which is distracting me from school and a girlfriend who want to know how it is I say I am broke, but can somehow afford to purchase the last two boxes of hand made NOS carbon film resistors found in an abandonded Shinto Shrine in a mountain of Yokohama which are still so slightly radioactive that they must be smuggled into the country hidden in 100lb cases of marijuana to avoid alerting Homeland Security.

Am I the only one with these problems??

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